12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Материал опубликовал
Игнатченко Екатерина Юрьевна768
Россия, Коми респ., Сосногорск

Test on seasons and weather.

It is ____________ in winter.

a)hot b)snowy c) rainy

I like to ________ in summer.

a) dive b)toboggan c) ski

When it is __________, I usually stay at home.

a) fine b) frosty c) warm

We fly a kite if the weather is____________.

a) windy b) hot c) foggy


What is your favourite ________________? - It is summer.

a) day b)season c)colour

Test on prepositions.

Where is the cat? – It is__________.

a) on the books b)behind the books c)in the books

2. Where are the dogs? - They are____________.

a)on the lamp b)under the lamp c) above the lamp

Where is Matroskin? – He is ____________.

a)at the New Year tree b)behind the New Year tree c)on the New Year tree

Where is the giraffe? – It is __________.

a) behind the hippo b)next to the lion c)above the monkey

Where are the birds? - They are ___________.

a)in the sea b)under the sea c) above the sea

Опубликовано в группе «УРОК.РФ: группа для участников конкурсов»

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